Recruit study participants
The Friends of OxDARE registry consists of members of the public who have expressed an interest in participating in future research studies. Researchers can apply to contact these volunteers about taking part in their research. To request access, please contact us at
In the near future, the Brain Health Centre will provide a registry of volunteers (patients with memory impairments and their relatives) interested in hearing about future research. Participants can be recruited based on characteristics stored in the research database, e.g. cognitive score, to provide run-in data for trials. For more information about access, click here.
Access to data
We are committed to promoting data accessibility, which is vital for the rapid progress of dementia research. Below are just some of the openly-available resources that OxDARE researchers are involved in that you may wish to consider:
- Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) provides a data portal for rapid access to multiple ageing and dementia cohorts simultaneously. Users get a virtual desktop, analysis tools and can share scripts and codes with other users. Researchers can even upload external data for their own exclusive use. DPUK currently provides access to more than three million records, including clinical, cognitive, genetic and lifestyle data.
- The new Brain Health Centre – part of the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre located at the Warneford Hospital – is integrating research with its high quality brain health assessments for patients. The BHC research database provides a unique blend of clinical and more experimental cognitive and imaging data, collected from a representative sample of older adults with memory problems. Details of the resulting dataset and how to access it can be found here.
- UK Biobank is a major national and international health resource with the aim of improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of serious and life-threatening illnesses – including forms of dementia. Visit the UK Biobank website for more information.
- For access to some of the most extensive and best characterised data for analysing mid-life risk factors for dementia, get in touch with the PREVENT study team.
Data from many OxDARE network studies will be made available after the embargo period. For more information about specific studies see Our Research.
Help with Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
OxDARE works with the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre’s PPI team to get valuable input into our activities from patients and the public. Click here for more information about PPI and how to access support. For recruitment to PPI initiatives involving older adults, contact us about using the OxDARE registry at