The Oxford Precision Psychiatry Lab (OxPPL) is currently working on the following projects.
- AMADEUS – Network meta-analysis on acute treatment for migraine
- CICERO – Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) about communication of benefits & harms to patients
- GALENOS – Evidence synthesis programme of research on anxiety, depression & psychosis
- Impact of Evidence Based Guidance on Mental Health and COVID-19
- PETRUSHKA – Personalising anti-depressant treatment for depression
What does AMADEUS stand for?
Acute Migraine Attacks: Different Effects of individUal drugS
What is AMADEUS?
AMADEUS will compare and rank acute pharmacological treatments for migraine attacks in adults in terms of efficacy.
Edoardo G. Ostinelli
What does CICERO stand for?
CommunICation of bEnefit-Risk infOrmation: an online randomised controlled trial.
What is CICERO?
The CICERO study is a randomised controlled trial that compares three different ways of communicating available information on medical interventions: “Summary of Findings table”, “Kilim plot/table” and the “Vitruvian plot”.
Participants in the study will be randomised to one of three communication tools and will then be prompted to answer some questions. The study is all all online, and can be completed in a single session, lasting around 20 minutes.
Please note that you must be aged 18 to 65 years old to participate in this study.
The results will hopefully, improve how benefit-harm information is communicated to patients, supporting their informed participation in clinical shared decision-making.
Take part in the trial
Please read the Participant Information Sheet before taking part in the trial. CICERO RCT (
If you have any questions before, during or after participating in the trial, please contact Edoardo G. Ostinelli
What does GALENOS stand for?
Global Alliance for Living Evidence on aNxiety, depressiOn and pSychosis.
What is GALENOS?
GALENOS is a project funded by the Wellcome Trust and aims to provide a programme of living evidence syntheses and research priority settings, with a focus on anxiety, depression, and psychosis. We will synthesise scientific findings from foundation science, early translational studies or late translational trials in relation to:
- Diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive tools
- Pharmacological treatments
- Non-pharmacological treatments (these can range from self-care to healthcare, community provision to structural change)
Jennifer Potts, Trial Manager.
Impact of Evidence Based Guidance on Mental Health and COVID-19
What is Impact of Evidence-Based Guidance on Mental Health and COVID-19?
COVID-19 has spread rapidly around the world, with new variants constantly emerging. Mental health patients and their clinicians need rapid access to evidence-based information to help to guide their shared decision-making.
This project summarises the best available clinical guidelines about key COVID-19 questions that frontline mental health professionals are facing every day. Read more here: COVID-19 & clinical management of mental health issues – NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre
Katharine Smith,
What does PETRUSHKA stand for?
Personalise antidEpressant TReatment for Unipolar depreSsion combining individual cHoices, risKs and big datA.
PETRUSHKA is a project funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), aimed at developing and subsequently testing a precision medicine approach to the acute pharmacological treatment of major depressive disorder in adults, which can be used in everyday clinical settings.
We will jointly synthesise data from patients with depressive disorder, obtained from diverse datasets, including randomised, observational, real-world studies. Results from this analysis will subsequently inform a web-based platform, which will allow shared decision-making at the individual-patient level during the routine consultation between clinicians and patient.
Nyla Haque, PETRUSHKA Trial Manager. / 07733 015237