This blog was written by Julia Hamer-Hunt, patient co-chair of the Oxford Health BRC’s strategic patient and public involvement (PPI) group and Claire Murray, PPI Manager. It was originally published…
News (all)
Risk of rare blood clotting higher for COVID-19 than for vaccines
COVID-19 survivors at risk of neurological and psychiatric disorders
The BeGOOD Early Intervention Ethics (EIE) research programme and young people’s communication preferences around their mental health
Creating an “adult-free space” to talk about their mental health – using the virtual space to encourage young people’s voices
Seven in ten patients hospitalised with COVID-19 not fully recovered five months after discharge
A majority of survivors who left hospital following COVID-19 had not fully recovered five months after discharge and continued to experience negative impacts on their physical and mental health, as well as their ability to work, according to results released by a major national study into the longer-term effect of the COVID-19.
New transatlantic partnership to transform research and clinical landscapes in mental health
Oxford academic paper writing retreat for nurses April 2021 – open for booking
The writing retreat is open to all nurse researchers and AHPs at any career stage, working at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, OXINMAHR or Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust who have a paper(s) to write up for submission to an academic journal and need time and space to focus on this without interruption.
NIHR Senior Investigator – Professor Daniel Freeman.
Oxford Health BRC appoints Deputy Theme Leads
Involving young people in research about the use of antidepressants – a researcher’s experience
Covid-19 vaccination programme: where do people with mental health difficulties lie within the order of priority?
Help us develop Precision Psychiatry projects!
New analysis challenges guidelines on treating anorexia nervosa
Senior Research Fellowships – applications invited
Professor John Geddes appointed WA Handley Chair of Psychiatry
Investigating new treatment for schizophrenia as first Psychiatry Consortium funded project announced
Parental Mental Health Worse Since New National Restrictions
Parental stress, depression, and anxiety have again increased since new national restrictions have been introduced according to the latest report from the Oxford University led COVID-19 Supporting Parents, Adolescents, and Children in Epidemics (Co-SPACE) study based on data from over 6000 UK parents.