
Timeline of OH BRC Key Achievements

December 2024

Psychological Treatments Theme - Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Award win for OH BRC Theme Lead


Our Co-Theme Lead for Psychological Treatments Professor Anke Ehlers has been recognised at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Award 2024 awards ceremony in Dubai for her pioneering work on the understanding and psychological treatment of anxiety disorder.

Together with Prof David Clark, NHS England’s Clinical and Informatics Advisor for NHS Talking Therapies for Anxiety and Depression, the award recognises their joint work in creating NICE recommended first line treatments for social anxiety disorder, panic disorder and PTSD, along with more efficient digital versions

Anke Ehlers
November 2024

Commitment to supporting the academic careers of Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHPs)


Building on the successful NIHR Connect and Grow Networking and Collaboration Event held on 10 January 2024 , a consortium of Biomedical Research Centre partners successfully applied for funding from the NIHR 2024 Infrastructure and Schools Pre-Application Support Fund. 

Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS FT, Berkshire Healthcare NHS FT/ University of Reading and Oxford Brookes University have all received funding for dedicated programmes of support and mentorship to allow NMAHPs to prepare, and submit, NIHR Fellowships.


ACD NMAHP Briefing Session
November 2024

Molecular Targets Theme receives significant grant to study channels in bipolar disorder


The Molecular Targets Theme received a $4.5M grant over three years from new charity BD2 to study calcium channels and in particular channels in bipolar disorder.

One of the Principal Investigator’s (PIs) leading this work is University of Oxford’s Alzheimer’s Research UK Senior Research Fellow, Becky Carlyle.  The University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry Senior Post Doctoral Researcher Arne Mould will be the project manager, both colleagues are supported by our BRC Molecular Targets Theme.

BD2 brings together researchers, clinicians, philanthropists, and people with lived experience to study and treat bipolar disorder in a new way.

November 2024

Depression Therapeutics Theme - BReal (Building stress resilience in early adolescents' lives)


One of  the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (WIN) longest and largest public engagement projects, “BReal” (Building stress resilience in early adolescents’ lives) led by Univeristy of Oxford Professor Jacinta O’Shea, released a three-lesson pack of materials on stress resilience for year 7-9 students, available as free downloads from the project website. Slide decks, lesson plans, worksheets, teacher guidance etc are all included.

The materials are designed for use in PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) classes and have been accredited by the PSHE Association’s Quality Mark scheme.

October 2024

Preventing Multiple Morbidities Theme awarded MRC grant for new study


This BRC funded project started in October 2023 supported the PMM Theme to conduct Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) to evaluate public support for this intervention approach and co-design intervention resources.

Following 2 small scale trials  the research team applied and were awarded a Medical Research Council (MRC) programme grant of £1.5 million to formally evaluate ‘High in’ nutrient warning labels on packaged foods (supermarkets) and in the out-of-home food sector (restaurants) settings using large-scale real world trials. The MRC programme funding will also fund colleagues at Oxford to lead on epidemiological modelling of their population level health impacts if adopted as a policy approach by national government

The University of London were lead applicant with Oxford Health BRC colleagues as co-leads.

August 2024

Molecular Targets Theme - New study reveals long-term cognitive and psychiatric effects of COVID-19


A new study published in Lancet Psychiatry has revealed that many people who were hospitalised with COVID-19 continue to have cognitive and psychiatric problems even two to three years post-infection.

Conducted by researchers in the OH BRC Molecular Targets Theme, the research highlights the persistent and significant nature of these symptoms as well as the emergence of new symptoms years after COVID-19 was first present.

July 2024

Depression Therapeutics Theme - Royal College of Psychiatrist/British Association of Psychopharmacology Poster Prize win


One of the 2024 Royal College of Psychiatrist/British Association of Psychopharmacology Poster Prizes was awarded to Depression Therapeutics Theme colleague Verena Sarrazin for her work on the short-term effects of monophasic vs. biphasic intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation on emotional processing, in people with low mood. This technique can stimulate the brain up to 10x faster than conventional transcranial magnetic stimulation.

“I attended the BAP meeting for the first time this year. The conference was very well organised, with a large variety of talks. I really enjoyed the combination of excellent science and a very friendly, supportive atmosphere. I am looking forward to attending the meeting again in the future!”

Verena Sarrazin
July 2024

OH BRC Dementia Theme complete a study on Blood tests to detect Alzheimer’s disease


Researchers in the Dementia theme completed a study to measure the proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease in the blood. They found that the levels of these proteins were related to the degree of cognitive impairment, measured on a new online cognitive testing platform called OCTAL which they have developed.

blood tests for dementia
July 2024

Major new study by Molecular Targets Theme demonstrates that new shingles vaccine could reduce risk of dementia


A major new study published in Nature Medicine shows the new recombinant shingles vaccine ‘Shingrix’ is associated with a reduced risk of dementia compared to an earlier shingles vaccine.

The study of more than 200,000 people by OH BRC supported researchers found at least a 17% reduction in dementia diagnoses in the six years after the new recombinant shingles vaccination, equating to 164 or more additional days lived without dementia.

June 2024

Preventing Multiple Morbidities Theme - The DIME study - is a ketogenic diet an effective treatment for treatment-resistant depression?


The DIME study is a placebo-controlled, randomised, proof-of-concept trial to test whether a ketogenic diet is an effective treatment for treatment-resistant depression

The OH BRC Preventing Multi Morbidities Theme have been working on the Dime study,  offering a six-week programme of weekly dietitian counselling and provision of ketogenic meals, compared with an intervention involving similar dietetic contact time that promotes one portion of vegetable extra per day and switching to vegetable fat (placebo).

Participants to the study were recruited using social media from across the UK from February 2024.  Full recruitment to the study randomising 88 participants has been achieved.

To date, 55 participants (63%) have completed their diet, and 50 participants (57%) have completed their primary outcome assessment.


DIME Study
June 2024

Depressions Therapuetics Theme completes recrutiment to PAX-D Study


PAX-D, a major trial of a new intervention for depression led by University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry Professor Michael Browning, completed recruitment. Originally launched within Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (OHFT), eight other sites around the UK collaborated on this study.

This trial compared the effects of the medication pramipexole with a placebo when added to current antidepressant medication.  There is some evidence that pramipexole, a medicine already commonly used in Parkinson ’s disease, may be an effective treatment for people with treatment resistant depression. The analysis will look at effectiveness in the short-term (after 12 weeks treatment) and in the longer-term (48 weeks). OH BRC researchers will also assess the side effects of pramipexole and explore patients’ experience of taking it.

pax d
pax d sites
June 2024

Brain Technologies Theme supports world’s first epilepsy device fitted into boy’s skull


In a ground breaking medical achievement, a young boy has become the first person to receive a revolutionary epilepsy device, significantly reducing seizure frequency and severity.  The study partnership responsible for developing the device involved University of Oxford researchers from the OH BRC’s Brain Technologies Theme, Great Ormond Street Hospital, University College London and King’s College Hospital.

May 2024

Depression Therapeutics Theme Away Day


The Depression Therapeutics Theme held an engaging and informative away day event at the Said Business School with a packed agenda and presentations from colleagues across the Theme detailing Theme achievements from 2023-24.

Treating depression in young people was a focus during the morning session.  Amongst the presentations the AdvOx Young Persons Advisory Group  and the The Anxiety and Depression in Young People (AnDY) Research Clinic offered insights into the work being carried out with young people.  The SOMA study (effects of social movement on mood and social/emotional functioning in young people) was presented by Brennan Delattre. Re purposing existing medications for the treatment of mood disorders, and the link between gut and brain health was also discussed.

Chair Professor Mike Browning led discussion on using computational modelling to improve the specificity and prediction of experimental medicine models and after lunch chair and Theme Lead and co-chair Catherine Harmer presented on developing an experimental medicine model for fast-acting antidepressants.

PPI activity across the Theme was presented and a panel discussion focusing on next steps and opportunities for the Theme moving forward closed the interesting and informative day.

May 2024

Mental Health in Development Theme announce opening of AnDY Clinic Oxford


An integrated research and clinical treatment centre has been launched in Oxford. The Anxiety and Depression in Young People (AnDY) Research Clinic – Oxford in collaboration with Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) partners and builds upon the experiences of the successful AnDY Research Clinic – Reading (University of Reading/Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust).

The clinic will provide high quality assessments and treatment for patients, who will have improved access to research opportunities. This will in turn enable the development of better assessment and treatment approaches that can be rapidly implemented to provide better care for patients. It will also enable us to create a blueprint for further scaling through a national network of AnDY clinics.

AnDY clinic
May 2024

Brain Technologies Theme - New optically pumped magnetometers (OPM) came to Oxford


The Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity, led by Prof. Mark Woolrich, was granted a cutting-edge piece of neuroimaging equipment – the Optically Pumped Magnetometers (OPMs), representing a substantial advancement in research infrastructure for the OH BRC Brain Technologies Theme.  This equipment  will improve the Theme’s capacity to conduct neuroimaging research across different modalities.

April 2024

Depression Therapeutics and Brain Technologies Themes host 1st Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation Workshop in Plymouth


The University of Oxford’s Experimental Psychology Associate Professor Miriam Klein-Flugge, along with Lilian Weber and Johannes Algermissen and others from the DT Theme, hosted a workshop in Plymouth on transcranial ultrasound stimulation techniques. The aim was to cover the fundamentals and applications of these techniques, and showcase their promising therapeutic potential for a range of brain disorders.

Transcranial ultrasound stimulation is a brain stimulation technique at an early stage of clinical translation. It uses a transducer (like a loudspeaker) to deliver an acoustic pressure wave to the brain. Our researchers (Klein-Flugge) have shown that TUS can reach deep areas in the brain that other stimulation techniques cannot.

The workshop was a huge success, attracting people from across Europe and Asia, and was over-subscribed so will be running again next year.

January 2024

NIHR Connect & Grow, Networking & Collaboration Event – Sponsored by NIHR Oxford Health BRC


On Wednesday 10 January 2024, the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (OH BRC) hosted a successful event at the Voco Oxford Spires, to discuss barriers and enablers for academic career progression for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHPs) and the priorities to address them.

January 2024

Kick off Meeting and Social Event for Depression Therapeutics Patient and Public Involvement Group


The Depression Therapeutics theme have formed a group of public members – Jane, Roger, Mike and Vanessa – who are interested in experimental depression research, to lead Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) activities within the theme. The idea is that they will become embedded in the theme, getting to know the different research groups, and collaborating and offering input from an early stage of research. In January, they met with Amy Gillespie – PPI lead for the theme – for an introduction to Depression Therapeutics, discussing the methodologies used and the ways they could get involved. They then attended a social event with researchers, to talk and share their motivations for getting involved and start to build connections.

DT PPI Group

Does watching an advertisement of an alcohol-free drink influence the purchase of alcoholic versions of the same drink?


The Oxford Health Biomedical Research (OH BRC) Population Health subtheme have designed a randomised controlled trial to assess whether watching an advertisement of an alcohol-free drink influences the purchase of alcoholic versions of the same drink. Currently, alcohol free advertising of brands is allowed in some places where alcohol advertising is not. This study uses an experimental online supermarket and is due to launch in early 2024. This project was prioritised by the subtheme’s PPI co-design panel.

December 2023

The Anxiety and Depression in Young People (AnDY) Research Clinic in Oxford to open in 2024


The Anxiety and Depression in Young People (AnDY) Research Clinic in Oxford now has 14 members of staff in post, led by Dr Ray Percy (Clinic Director), including clinicians from Oxford Health CAMHS and clinical researchers from the TOPIC Research Group at the University. A number of members of the team were excited to meet during December at the University of Oxford to get to know each other, see their new office space in New Radcliffe House, and to plan for clinic launch in early 2024.

AnDY clinic staff
December 2023

Can a Ketogenic diet be an effective treatment for patients with treatment-resistant depression?


The Mental Illness subtheme have designed a proof-of-concept trial, the DIME to assess the effectiveness of a ketogenic diet as a treatment for treatment-resistant depression. The team have obtained ethical approval and developed study infrastructure. Collaborating with the McPin Foundation, a PPI panel contributed lived experience to co-design recruitment materials, engagement strategies, and strategies to promote adherence. The pilot phase showed that online recruitment was feasible and dietary treatment was well-received and helped us refine workflows for the main trial. The trial will launch in January 2024.

December 2023

Strengthening relationships with Oxfordshire’s older adults


It has been a great pleasure to introduce some of Oxfordshire’s older adults to health research.  With members of the Leys CDI Clockhouse Project, we have enjoyed the health benefits of being together and learning new things at the Harcourt Arboretum and Ashmolean Museum; several Clockhouse Project members then got involved in shaping our research. We have also spread the word about brain health in Wallingford’s dementia-friendly community; in care homes, at leisure groups and at public events. We are very grateful to many of Wallingford’s carers who have involved themselves in our research, especially those who sit on the PPI Advisory Group for the Brain Health Clinic.

November 2023

Developments for OH BRC Data Science Theme


During November 2023, Angelini Pharma (the pharmaceutical division of Angelini Industries) visited the Department of Psychiatry. Their Chief Scientific Officer delivered a presentation on the profile of the company and future strategic directions. Professors Seena Fazel, Philip McGuire and Chief Executive Officer of Akrivia Health, Mike Denis provided insight into their Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (OH BRC)related research.

There is much excitement for more collaboration in 2024 and beyond.

angeli pharma meeting
November 2023

Virtual Reality technology to treat agoraphobia approved for use in the NHS


For the first time a virtual reality treatment (VR) has been recommended for use in NHS mental health services. The automated VR treatment enables patients who are largely housebound with agoraphobia to practise re-entering everyday situations.  NICE early value assessment recommends gameChange VR Therapy developed by Professor Freeman’s team for use in the NHS.

September 2023

Immersive technologies hold promise for the treatment of severe mental health problems.


THRIVE RCT published in Lancet Psychiatry found that both automated VR cognitive therapy and VR mental relaxation lead to large reductions in persecutory delusions. Persecutory delusions are a major psychiatric problem that often do not respond sufficiently to standard pharmacological or psychological treatments. A new brief automated virtual reality (VR) cognitive treatment that has the potential to be used easily in clinical services was developed. The aim was to compare VR cognitive therapy with an alternative VR therapy (mental relaxation), with an emphasis on understanding potential mechanisms of action.

Icon Psychological Treatments research theme
August 2023

Blood clots during COVID-19 may be a cause of ongoing cognitive problems


High levels of two proteins at the time of COVID-19 have been found in patients who later experienced cognitive problems, including ‘brain fog’.  The findings give a major clue as to one cause of their symptoms: blood clots. In a paper published in Nature Medicine, they identified two separate profiles of biomarkers.

brain fog
August 2023

SleepWell study brings positive results for young people at high risk of psychosis


The SLEEPWELL feasibility RCT published in Lancet Psychiatry showed that a targeted sleep intervention led to larger improvement in sleep disturbance in young people at ultra-high risk for psychosis than usual care. In the first trial of its kind at two NHS trusts, young mental health patients aged 14-25 identified as at high risk of psychosis and suffering from sleep problems were offered either targeted psychological therapy called “SleepWell” in addition to usual care (1) or usual care alone.   Based on the positive results, the same team of Oxford researchers will now lead a wider trial starting in 2024 to confirm the clinical benefits of this approach and prepare for roll out into NHS services.

young patient talking therapy
August 2023

Strengthening relationships with Oxfordshire’s older adults 


Dr Sana Suri and colleagues developed a novel dementia risk score, recently published in the BMJ – Mental Health journal. The score, developed using data from the UK, significantly outperformed existing tools in identifying future cases of dementia. Crucially, the score draws on several modifiable factors including diabetes, depression, and high blood pressure, highlighting the importance of promoting lifestyle modifications to reduce risk. While future developments are required to take the score to large-scale clinical use, it represents a key step towards a risk assessment tool tailored to the UK.

dementia score
July 2023

Transforming Research Practices: Inclusive workshops unveil positive changes


The Public Engagement Team at the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging  (WIN), part of the Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (OH BRC) Brain Technologies Theme, organised three inclusive research workshops collaborating with individuals from underrepresented backgrounds to discuss how their research communications and processes can be more inclusive.

Icon Brain Technologies research theme
Brain Technologies
June 2023

Internet-delivered cognitive therapy for PTSD is shown to be highly effective


A study (STOP-PTSD) which aimed to investigate whether a novel internet-delivered cognitive therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was published in Lancet Psychiatry (A. Ehlers et al.)  The study showed that internet-delivered cognitive therapy for PTSD is highly effective and leads to better outcomes than a comprehensive internet-delivered CBT programme focusing on coping strategies.

stop ptsd
January 2023

NICE early value assessment recommends 4 digitally enabled therapies for use in the NHS developed by BRC researchers


The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) early value assessment recommends 4 digitally enabled therapies developed by Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (OH BRC) researchers for use in the NHS: cognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder for adults (iCT-SAD) and adolescents (OSCA), cognitive therapy for PTSD (iCT-PTSD) (Professors Clark and Ehlers’ team) and Online Support and Intervention (OSI) for child anxiety (Professor Creswell’s team).

psychological therapies imsge 1
October 2022

£35.4m to transform mental and brain health care across the UK – and the world


Innovative treatments and transformative therapies in brain health are on the horizon thanks to a £35.4 million award to the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre. The award is part of a package of funding from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) for Biomedical Research Centres (BRC). The Oxford Health BRC is successful in securing funding for 11 themes of research.

July 2022

2022 Therapist-assisted internet-delivered cognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder shown to be highly efficacious in adults and adolescents

Theme/Lead: Precision Psychological Therapies

Clark’s team who developed the treatment with support from the Wellcome Trust and Oxford Health BRC published three randomised controlled trials showing that the treatment leads to very large improvement and achieves the same outcomes as face-to-face cognitive therapy, which is recommended by NICE as the first-line intervention for social anxiety disorder. The clinical benefit per hour of therapist time was twice as large for the internet-delivered treatment compared to face-to-face therapy.

April 2022

Breakthrough success in provision of automated psychological therapy using virtual reality


Results from the gameChange study published in The Lancet Psychiatry have shown that psychological therapy can be automated in virtual reality. The study, led by Professor Daniel Freeman, is the largest ever clinical trial of VR for mental health. With the user guided by a virtual coach there is no need for a real life therapist, meaning treatment can reach many more patients.

March 2022

New funding for Oxford Health Clinical Research Facility


The Oxford Health Clinical Research Facility (OH CRF) has been awarded more than £4 million over the next five years by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The OH CRF is one of 28 facilities across England to benefit from nearly £161 million that has been awarded to expand early phase clinical research delivery in NHS hospitals.

February 2022

Diversity in Research Group


The Oxford and Oxford Health BRCs Diversity in Research Group met in person for the first time to celebrate the important contributions from the group to health research throughout the pandemic. The event provided an opportunity for members to meet each other, staff and to celebrate the group’s contributions.

January 2022

Preliminary findings show ‘count me in’ is making research more inclusive at Oxford Health


‘Count me in’ was launched in August 2021 after Oxford Health BRC studies showed that asking clinical staff to collect research contact consent was resulting in a low uptake from patients, and that both staff and patients favoured an approach that allowed all patients to be contacted about relevant research unless they had opted out. Preliminary findings published in a letter published in the journal Evidence Based Mental Health showed the project is having a positive effect on research recruitment.

October 2021

Oxfordshire young people involved in childline research project

Theme/Lead: Ilina Singh

Research conducted by the Neuroscience, Ethics and Society group, NeurOX Young People’s Advisory Group, Oxford Health BRC and the NSPCC, has looked at how Childline’s message boards help support young people. The research found that using the Childline message boards could reduce young people’s emotional distress and increase their willingness to seek outside help.

Young person in a fluffy jumper and jeans sitting on stairs using mobile phone viewed from over right shoulder.
September 2021

Over a third of COVID patients diagnosed with one long covid symptom

Theme/Lead: Paul Harrison

An Oxford Health BRC study showed that 37% of people had at least one long-COVID symptom diagnosed in the 3-6 month period after COVID-19 infection, with the commonest symptoms being breathing problems, abdominal symptoms, fatigue, pain and anxiety/depression. The Study investigated long-COVID in over 270,000 people recovering from COVID-19 infection, using data from the US-based TriNetX electronic health record network

July 2021

AIMday launches new experimental medicine industry hub

Theme/Lead: Cath Harmer

Researchers at Oxford Health BRC created a new hub to foster collaboration with industry in the field of experimental medicine, helping to accelerate the rate at which new treatments can begin to benefit patients. The Experimental Medicine Industry Partnership (EMIP) was launched at an online Academic Industry Meeting Day (AIMday) in July 2021. The event was captured in a series of mini blogs authored by early career researchers who attended the event.

July 2021

Mentoring young scientists at Oxford Health BRC

Theme/Lead: Cath Harmer

Oxford Health BRC took part in the In2Science programme. This is a scheme that gives young people from a range of backgrounds the opportunity to spend time with and learn from people working in research and to find out more about a career in science. Dr Jessica Scaife, a postdoctoral researcher at the Oxford Health BRC, mentored 3 young people as part of the programme.

June 2021

Abu Dhabi - Oxford Psychiatry Collaboration


This Abu Dhabi – Oxford Psychiatry partnership has been established to create a cross-regional collaboration model for translational research and digital innovation in mental health. The partnership has been formalised between four signatories: Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA), Khalifa University of Science and Technology (KU), Akrivia Health and the University of Oxford.

June 2021

Professor Catherine Harmer on BBC Radio 4 podcast


Professor Catherine Harmer appeared on the BBC Radio 4 podcast ‘Made of Stronger Stuff’ challenging misconceptions about depression and providing up-to-date information on what serotonin does in the brain.

Catherine Harmer
May 2021

Involving young people with research

Theme/Lead: Ilina Singh

Throughout the pandemic the Oxford Health BRC PPI team have focussed on involving young people with our research, ensuring that their views and priorities have continued to be recognised. Working with the NEUROSEC/NeurOX Young People’s Advisory Group (YPAG) of more than 30 young people aged 14-18, there has been particular emphasis on digital approaches which has helped make involvement opportunities more inclusive.

May 2021

Oxford cognitive health Clinical Research Facility celebrates ICTD

Theme/Lead: CRF

The Oxford cognitive health Clinical Research Facility celebrated International Clinical Trials Day with a new video showcasing the Facility and its capabilities.

April 2021

COVID-19 survivors at risk of neurological and psychiatric disorders

Theme/Lead: Paul Harrison

An Oxford Health BRC study showed 1 in 3 survivors of COVID-19 received a neurological or psychiatric diagnosis within 6 months. The risk was greater in people who had severe COVID-19, but 1 in 9 patients not requiring hospitalization, also received a diagnosis.

April 2021

Blood clotting risk higher for COVID-19 than for vaccines

Theme/Lead: Paul Harrison

An Oxford Health BRC study reported that the risk of the rare blood clotting known as cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) following COVID-19 infection is around 100 times greater than normal, several times higher than it is post-vaccination or following influenza.

March 2021

Transatlantic mental health partnership

Theme/Lead: Andrea Cipriani

A transatlantic partnership between Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, the University of Oxford, the University of Toronto and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto was formalised to enhance existing relationships between the universities and the two healthcare providers. The partnership will enable the development of key structures to facilitate collaboration and help realise the benefits of the complementary capabilities of the participating organisations.

February 2021

BMJ blog: vaccine priority

Theme/Lead: Andrea Cipriani

A blog in thebmjopinion by mental health clinicians and researchers at Oxford Health BRC discussed COVID-19 vaccinations and where people with mental health difficulties lie within the order of priority.

December 2020

A third of UK population vaccine hesitant

Theme/Lead: Dan Freeman

A comprehensive study of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy showed a majority willing to be vaccinated but a substantial minority concerned. Oxford Health BRC Researchers surveyed a representative group of 5,114 UK adults about an approved COVID-19 vaccine for the NHS. Results indicated that 72% were willing to be vaccinated, 16% were very unsure, and 12% were strongly hesitant.

December 2020

Opt-out approach to research benefits patients and staff


A study undertaken by an interdisciplinary team at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and the Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre, showed that an ‘opt-out’ approach to research recruitment could benefit both clinical research and patient care.

November 2020

Support for Novavax vaccine trial

Theme/Lead: CRF

More than 450 participants took part in a study by vaccine development company Novavax at the NIHR Oxford cognitive health Clinical Research Facility, one of 30 UK sites collaborating on the study.

Welcome to the Oxford cognitive health CRF.
November 2020

Link between COVID-19 and psychiatric diagnosis

Theme/Lead: Paul Harrison

Researchers from Oxford Health BRC reported the first large-scale evidence that COVID-19 survivors are at an increased risk of psychiatric disorders. The study, published in The Lancet Psychiatry, used the TriNetX electronic health records of 69 million people in the USA including over 62,000 cases of COVID-19 and received widespread international media coverage.

August 2020

Brain Health Centre opens

Theme/Lead: Clare Mackay

The Oxford Brain Health Centre (BHC) opened its doors to patients for the first time in the midst of the pandemic. Developed with the involvement of members of the public with lived experience of memory problems, the centre is a combined clinical and research service. By embedding research in the NHS service, the Centre aims to help prepare the health system for the future of dementia treatment and prevention. This innovative and ambitious approach could become a model that can be adopted throughout the NHS.

July 2020


Theme/Lead: John Geddes / Paul Harrison

Oxford Health BRC investigators took a lead role in PHOSP-COVID – a major UK research study which will investigate the long-term health impacts of COVID-19 on hospitalised patients. The Oxford Health team have provided expertise in mental health and neurological problems following COVID-19 infection.

July 2020

SHAPE - Supporting Hospital and Paramedic Employees during and after COVID

Theme/Lead: Jen Wild

The SHAPE programme for healthcare workers was launched to support hospital and paramedic employees during and after COVID. The programme has provided support to 200 healthcare workers to date.

June 2020

Evidence based guidance for mental health during the pandemic

Theme/Lead: Andrea Cipriani

Researchers from the Oxford Precision Psychiatry Lab responded to COVID-19 by creating vital evidence-based guidance for patients and clinicians managing mental health conditions during the pandemic. Frequently updated, this guidance summarises the best available clinical guidelines about key COVID-19 questions that are faced by frontline mental health professionals every day.

May 2020

Conspiracy theories and mistrust of government

Theme/Lead: Dan Freeman

A study funded by Oxford Health BRC and published in the journal Psychological Medicine, indicated that a disconcertingly high number of adults in England did not agree with the scientific and governmental consensus on the the coronavirus pandemic and that people who hold coronavirus conspiracy beliefs are less likely to comply with social distancing guidelines or take-up future vaccines.

May 2020

New guidance and resources to help patients cope with trauma after intensive care

Theme/Lead: Precision Psychological Therapies

Oxford mental health researchers published new guidelines and free resources for treating patients experiencing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) following admission to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

May 2020

Genetic risk factors for mental illness affect how children’s brains are wired up

Theme/Lead: Paul Harrison

BRC research published in Molecular Psychiatry, shed light on the role of genetics in mental illness, suggesting that genes influence the way children’s brains are ‘wired up’. This difference in nerve connections within the brain serves as a ‘vulnerability network’ for later developing mental illness.

April 2020

Guidance for remote delivery of psychological therapies published

Theme/Lead: Anke Ehlers

The COVID-19 pandemic made it necessary to deliver psychological therapies remotely. Oxford Centre for Anxiety Disorders (OxCADAT) delivered NHS England workshops and therapist guidance for delivering psychological therapies for anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic grief remotely and materials published on the free OxCADAT resources website.

March 2020

Co-SPACE study launched

Theme/Lead: Cathy Creswell

The Co-SPACE study launched shortly after the beginning of the first UK lockdown. It was designed to track children and young people’s mental health throughout the COVID-19 crisis and identify the advice, support and help needed to protect their mental health. The study has gone on to produce multiple reports on the needs and experiences of children and families during the pandemic. It has received widespread media attention and been instrumental in policy making.

February 2020

New photography exhibition showcases groundbreaking research


Oxford Health BRC took part in an exhibition showcasing groundbreaking NIHR research has been launched in Oxford. ‘The Body Unlocked: how research is changing lives’ is an ongoing exhibition which features life-sized photographs of people who have taken part in studies, as well as researchers at work and microscopic images of cells and bacteria.

December 2019

Link between calcium abnormality and bipolar disorder

Theme/Lead: Paul Harrison

A systematic review led by Professor Paul Harrison showed a link between an abnormality in cellular calcium levels and bipolar disorder. The result supports the possibility that drugs which target calcium ions might be of value in treating bipolar disorder.

October 2019

Oxford Precision Psychiatry Lab established

Theme/Lead: Andrea Cipriani

The Oxford Precision Psychiatry Lab is an international multidisciplinary group of researchers, clinicians (both psychiatrists and psychologists), statisticians, methodologists and students who are passionate about improving the lives of people with mental illness across the lifespan.

Precision Psychiatry Lab logo
September 2019

First Academic Writing Retreat

Theme/Lead: Training/ Cathy Henshall

Oxford Health BRC supported its first three day Academic Paper Writing Retreat for Nurses. The retreat was designed to provide uninterrupted time and space to write up a paper for submission to an academic journal.

September 2019

Emerging Minds Network launched


The Emerging Minds network launched with kick off events across the UK including Belfast, Glasgow, Bristol, Cambridge, Birmingham, Newcastle, London, Swansea and Manchester attended by over 250 researchers, practitioners lived experience experts and policy makers. The Network works across sectors and disciplines to reduce the prevalence of mental health problems experienced by children and young people.

June 2019

gameChange clinical trial

Theme/Lead: Dan Freeman

The gameChange clinical trial was created to test a virtual reality (VR) based psychological therapy for people with severe mental health difficulties. gameChange is the largest ever clinical trial of virtual reality for a mental health disorder.

June 2019

Akrivia Health launched


Akrivia Health, a spinout from Oxford Health BRC, was developed as a sustainable way to accelerate the UK-CRIS programme. The UK-CRIS network operates a managed service for secure access to one of the world’s largest repositories of de-identified patient data relating to mental health and dementia conditions.

April 2019

OHBA installs new MEG scanner system


The Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA) became the first in Europe to acquire the latest technology in functional brain imaging. TRIUX™ neo, a magnetoencephalograph (MEG), is a highly sensitive non-invasive system for mapping the human brain.

February 2019

Cannabis use raises risk of depression in young adults

Theme/Lead: Andrea Cipriani

A systematic review and meta-analysis showed that cannabis use among adolescents is associated with a significant increased risk of depression and suicidality in adulthood (not anxiety). While the individual-level risk was found to be modest, the widespread use of the drug by young people makes the scale of the risk much more serious.

August 2018

OxCEMM launched

Theme/Lead: Training

The first Oxford Short Course in Experimental Medicine for Mental Health (OxCEMM) launched, offering multi-disciplinary training in experimental medicine research, for pharmacists, basic scientists, allied health professionals and medical doctors at any career stage.

OxCEMM brochure
May 2018

PPI strategy and animated film launched

Theme/Lead: Ilina Singh

Alongside the the publication of our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Strategy, we launched a short animated film to answer key questions about our patient and public involvement work and our vision to embed it into our research themes.

February 2018

Antidepressants more effective than placebo at treating acute depression

Theme/Lead: Andrea Cipriani

A meta-analysis of 522 trials published in The Lancet includes the largest amount of unpublished data to date, and finds that antidepressants are more effective than placebo for short-term treatment of acute depression in adults.

February 2018

NIHR award to develop VR therapies for mental health

Theme/Lead: Dan Freeman

NIHR awarded £4 million to a project to enable state-of-the-art psychological therapy to be delivered via virtual reality (VR) in the NHS. The project, led by Professor Daniel Freeman brings together a team of NHS trusts, universities, a mental health charity, the Royal College of Art, and a University of Oxford spin-out company.

August 2017

IAPT "no cost therapy" profiled in New York Times

Theme/Lead: Precision Psychological Therapies

The initiative, ‘Improving Access to Psychological Therapies’ (IAPT) developed by University of Oxford’s Prof David Clark was profiled in an article in the NY Times. Featuring case studies from the Oxfordshire region, the article put a spotlight on the success of IAPT, delivered via the NHS, helping thousands of people across England access talking therapies.

June 2017

OxCADAT free resources for mental health disorders


The Oxford Centre for Anxiety Disorders (OxCADAT) created a website of free resources and training videos for therapists on how to treat social anxiety disorder, panic disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder with the cognitive therapy programmes developed by the team

June 2017

Oxford Health BRC on the World at One


Oxford Health BRC theme leads, Professors Clare Mackay and Simon Lovestone, revealed details of the world’s biggest and most in-depth studies into dementia on BBC Radio 4’s World at One. Reporter, Andrew Bomford, visited the Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA) to hear about the Deep and Frequent Phenotyping Study and look in on an MRI scan – one of the wide range of tests that is part of the study.

March 2017

Using virtual reality to help persecutory delusions

Theme/Lead: Dan Freeman

Professor Daniel Freeman, consultant clinical psychologist at Oxford Health NHS Foundation, was awarded a major research grant to study how VR can help with persecutory delusions. Professor Freeman was awarded the grant together with his colleagues, Professors David Clark (University of Oxford), Mel Slater (University of Barcelona) and Graham Dunn (University of Manchester) and is part of the BRC precision psychological therapies theme.

March 2017

Official opening of the Oxford Health BRC


The NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre – a partnership between the University of Oxford and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust – was officially opened on 31 March in spring sunshine at the University of Oxford Department of Psychiatry. Nicola Blackwood MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health and Innovation, marked the occasion by unveiling a plaque.