The NIHR Mental Health Translational Research Collaboration (MH-TRC) was established in 2017, when the two mental health focused Biomedical Research Centres (BRCs) – NIHR Maudsley BRC and NIHR Oxford Health BRC agreed to lead a TRC based around mental health.
The MH-TRC brings together leading investigators in experimental medicine and early-stage translational mental health research from across the UK to accelerate discoveries into clinical practice. It connects centres of excellence across the UK, bringing together world-leading research expertise with infrastructure funded by the NIHR located in major universities and NHS Trusts.
The MH-TRC has shown the strength of its collaborative approach and is now leading the Mental Health Mission (MHM) funded for 2023-2028 with work focused on five of our workstreams, including an Early Psychosis Cohort and Registries, networked Mood disorder clinics, Children and Young Peoples platform trials infrastructure, focused investment in previously underserved areas such as Liverpool and Birmingham, in addition to tackling industry engagement, trial set ups and regulatory hurdles with a focus on mental health.
The MH-TRC is making a significant and positive impact on research focused on improving mental health. Particularly in areas of unmet need. We are working in partnership with patients and public, industry and the leading academic centres to make sure the full strength of our collaboration is realised.
Who we are
The NIHR MH-TRC is led by Chair Professor Rachel Upthegrove from the NIHR Oxford Health BRC, Emeritus Chair Professor John Geddes also from the NIHR Oxford Health BRC and Deputy Chair Professor Jeremy Hall from Cardiff University.
The breadth of mental health expertise in the UK
This map shows mental health centres based across the UK (listed below) which are part of the MH TRC.
NIHR Biomedical Research Centres (BRCs), Clinical Research Facilities (CRFs) and leads of the MH-TRC:
- NIHR Oxford Health BRC –Professor Rachel Upthegrove
- NIHR Bristol BRC – Professor Golam Khandaker
- NIHR Maudsley BRC –Professor Grainne McAlonan
- NIHR Nottingham BRC and NIHR MindTech – Professor Chris Hollis
- NIHR Cambridge BRC– Professor Graham Murray
- NIHR Newcastle BRC – Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
- NIHR University College London Hospitals BRC– Professor Anthony David
- NIHR Imperial BRC– Dr Martina Di Simplicio
- NIHR Exeter BRC– Professor Edward Watkins
- NIHR Manchester BRC in association with Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust–Dr Shruti Garg
Other centres and clinical academic leads
- University of Birmingham–Professor Matthew Broome
- Cardiff University, National Centre for Mental Health– Professor Jeremy Hall
- University of Edinburgh – Dr Donald MacIntyre / NHS Mental Health Research Scotland
- Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust – Professor David Baldwin
- Queen’s University Belfast – Professor Cherie Armour
- University of Liverpool/ Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust– Professor Iain Buchan, Professor Nusrat Husain
- The University of Glasgow – Professor Andrew Gumley
- Swansea University – Professor Ann John
- MQ Mental Health Research – Emily Wheeler
- Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust – Professor Scott Weich
Our expertise and capabilities
The NIHR MH-TRC brings together:
- World-class mental health clinical research facilities across the NIHR’s Biomedical Research Centres and Clinical Research Facilities
- The NIHR Mental Health MedTech Co-operative
- Additional centres of excellence across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The main focus areas of our TRC include:
MH-TRC Workstreams and Leads
- Capacity Development – Dr Shruti Garg and Dr Kate Saunders
- Children and Young People’s Mental Health – Professor Helen Minnis and Professor Rebecca Elliot (MHM)
- Data and Digital – Professor Ann John and Professor John Ainsworth
- Early Psychosis – Professor Graham Murray
- Mood Disorders – Professor Mike Browning and Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams (Emeritus)
- ‘Omics, Biobanking and the NIHR Bioresource – Professor Gerome Breen
- Substance Use and Addictions – Professor Sir John Strang
Mental Health Mission Demonstrator sites
- Mental Health Research for Innovation Centre of Excellence
- Mental Health Mission Midlands Translational Centre
What is the Mental Health Mission (MHM)
The MH-TRC’s MHM was one of the healthcare research priorities announced as part of the ‘Life Sciences Vision’ (.PDF).
The MHM will increase capacity in mental health research through the provision of relevant training and creation of better systems to support industry led research and investment across the UK. Specific focus will be paid to addressing both areas of unmet need and high burden of mental illness.