The 695th Lord Mayor’s Lectures: Innovation In Mental Health & The GALENOS Project: How To Look Back To Move Forward
Tuesday 17 September at 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
In mental health science, there has been frustratingly slow process in understanding and developing new treatments for anxiety, depression and psychosis, as well as in predicting which treatments will work for whom and in what contexts.
Supported by Wellcome, the Global Alliance for Living Evidence on aNxiety, depressiOn and pSychosis (GALENOS) tackles the challenges of mental health science research by cataloguing and evaluating the full spectrum of relevant scientific research including both human and preclinical studies.
GALENOS will also allow the international mental health community—including patients, carers, clinicians, researchers, policy makers, industry and funders—to better identify the research questions that most urgently need to be answered. The ultimate aim of GALENOS is to improve patients’ outcomes in real world settings, by fostering innovation and accelerating growth in mental healthcare in the UK and globally.
As Director of Global Alliance for Living Evidence in Anxiety, Depression and Psychosis (GALENOS), Prof Andrea Cipriani presents the lecture.
Please register to attend online here.