A new Better Sleep Research Advisory Network is being set up and people and patients with some experience of public involvement (PPI) are being sought to help develop ideas for a new national research centre.
People who chose to take part will have the option to become members of the Better Sleep Research Advisory Network which is part of the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre.
The Network will provide ongoing opportunities to get involved in research into sleep, health and well being.
There will be two online meetings for participants running over the summer :
- To inform the development of our PPIE and research plans
- To review the PPIE and research plans.
We’re looking for up to 8 people from a range of different backgrounds, and locations across the UK who have experience in one of the following:
- Living with two or more long term health conditions:
- diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, mood disorders including depression or anxiety
- Persistent poor sleep
- Working night shifts
Each online meeting will last 2 hours , will take place in the early evening and will be friendly and informal.
You’ll be paid £50 per meeting as a thank you for taking part.
For further information and to register your interest to take part, please contact Leah Holmes 07418 601041.