- Do you use True Colours, or have you used True Colours in the past?
- Would you like to join a focus group to share your experience?
We are working with Oxford University Innovation to develop True Colours and make sure it meets the needs of the people that use it.
We would like to invite current and past users of True Colours to join a focus group, to tell us about your experiences of using the system.
What do you think works well, what is helpful to you? And what do you find frustrating, what would you change?
You can help us improve True Colours so that it works better for you, and for others who use it in the future.
About the focus group
- The focus group will take place in Oxford and will last 2 hours.
- We are looking for 7 people to join us, to discuss your experiences of using True Colours.
- The focus group will take place in January or February 2019, date and time to be arranged.
Expenses and payment
- We will refund travel expenses for everyone who takes part in the focus group, and will offer a payment of £30 to reimburse participants for their time.
Register your interest
If you would like to be part of our focus group and share your experiences to help the development of True Colours please get in touch, letting us know:
- If you are a current or past user of True Colours, and how long you have used it for?
- What days and times would you generally be available for the focus group?
Contact details: claire.murray@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk 01865 903 126