The Mental Health Research for Innovation Centre (M-RIC) recently welcomed senior representatives from the MHM and charity MQ Mental Health Research to see their pioneering approach to co-production.
M-RIC’s newly appointed service users and carer representatives met MHM Patient and Public Involvement, Engagement and Participation Lead Lesley Booth and MQ Mental Health Research Director of Research Partnerships and Development Emily Wheeler.
The service user and carer representatives talked passionately about their new roles which involve working side-by-side with research leads on M-RIC’s six work package themes. They cover areas such as data and digital innovations to support patients and solve problems in mental health and trialling new medicines and investigating new ways we can reduce the social determinants.
M-RIC in Liverpool, alongside the Midlands Translation Centre in Birmingham, is one the MHM’s demonstrator sites which is dedicated increasing mental health research capacity and capability in areas where it is needed most.
Read more about the visit on the M-RIC website.
Find out more about the Mental Health Mission, it’s workstreams and demonstrator sites on the dedicated Mental Health Mission webpages.