The NIHR Oxford Health BRC has announced the appointment of this year’s Senior Research Fellows.
As in 2020, this year’s selection process was a coordinated effort by the Oxford Health BRC and its partners in the NIHR Oxford BRC and the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) for Oxford and the Thames Valley.
The opportunities for attracting and recognising mid-career investigators who are critical to the work and success of translational research in Oxford are limited. As a step towards addressing this, the Oxford NIHR Senior Research Fellowship scheme will recognise and support individuals with the potential and trajectory to become future leaders in translational research.
The new fellows, who were selected by an expert panel, will receive an award of £15,000 for 18 months that may be used flexibly to facilitate their translational research programme and career development.

The Senior Research Fellowship programme is intended to support suitably experienced individuals to advance an independent research area which will enhance NIHR research in Oxford and strengthen future funding applications.
The two researchers appointed as Oxford Health Senior Research Fellows are:
Nahid Zokaei (Oxford Health BRC) is a research fellow at the Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA) in the Department of Experimental Psychology. Her research focuses on understanding memory and attention in both health and disease, including investigating the cognitive profile of individuals at risk of Alzheimer’s.
Max Taquet (Oxford Health BRC), Academic Foundation Doctor within the Department of Psychiatry. His research focuses on developing novel imaging and data sampling technologies to diagnose and characterise psychiatric disorders.
New Senior Research Fellow Max Taquet said:
I am absolutely thrilled to have received this fellowship from the NIHR Oxford Health BRC. This fellowship will enable me to further my research on digital mental health and on the long-term impacts of COVID-19 and to learn from a very impressive family of researchers
You can find out more about the Senior Research Fellows appointed at the NIHR Oxford BRC here.
Over the next 18 months, the Senior Fellows will take part in a series of masterclasses and have the opportunity to network with senior BRC investigators