In2scienceUK empowers young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve their potential through life changing opportunities that give them insights into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) careers and research and boosts their skills and confidence. In2Science leverage the skills, expertise, and passion of STEM professionals and researchers, to support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds become the innovators and pioneers of the future by offering work placements, skills sessions, career workshops and more.
Recently the Oxford Health Clinical Research Facility (CRF) hosted a placement of 2 In2Science students for the second year running. During the placement, the 2 students got involved in a range of activities including shadow visits, a “speed-dating” session where they had 15 minutes to interview different staff members across the CRF to find out more about their roles, a laboratory session with fake blood, a mock visit with psychiatric rating scales and a fake arm for taking blood, a reverse CV session and personal statements, a practical session learning how to take a blood pressure, pulse, neurological examinations and more.
CRF Research Nurse Abigail Stewart said: “We really enjoyed having them, it’s great to see our everyday workplace through new eyes, and they seemed to really enjoy the experience”.
Co-host Dr Katharine Smith, Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist and CRF Clinical Lead said: “It was very rewarding to have such keen and engaged students who asked interesting questions about all the activities. It was great to support young people who might otherwise have not had the opportunity and to share our CRF team’s enthusiasm for high quality experimental medicine and clinical research in mental health”.
The students said: “I’ve really enjoyed all the clinical work in the research facility and being able to talk to all the staff about what they do. It was a very welcoming experience” and “The placement was very enjoyable, and the people were welcoming and friendly. I really liked how they thoroughly explained every procedure we observed and answered questions in detail. We managed to do some lab work which was exciting as well as role play with a staff for a mock interview.”
Contact to find out more about how you can get involved with the In2Science programme and learn how your team or department can support the next generation of motivated STEM professionals.