Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Staff Networks

Disability Equality Staff Network
This is a support group with an exclusive focus on advancing Disability Equality.

Gender Equality Staff Network
The Gender Equality Staff Network is a support, campaign and activist group that seeks to serve and lead on gender equity issues at the Trust. The Network is inclusive of all women, men, Trans and non-binary people.

LGBTQIA+ Equality Staff Network
The Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual & Transgender, Queer / Questioning, Intersex and Asexual / Allies (LGBTQIA+) Equality Staff Network actively promotes the inclusion of people from all sexual orientations and gender identities to ensure that the Trust’s practices as an employer and service provider are equal and fair.

Race Equality Staff Network
The Race Equality Staff Network is a forum for staff from all ethnic backgrounds to support the wider work of race equality at the Trust.

Religion & Spirituality Equality Staff Network
The Religion & Spirituality Equality Staff Network seeks to provide a setting for the promotion of dialogue, mutual understanding and a community of learning for staff from all faith, belief and spiritual traditions. Please note: you do not need to be religious to be part of this network.
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Staff Support Groups
ADHD Staff Support Group
This support group is part of the Disability Equality Staff Network.
Autism Support Group
The Autism Staff Support Group aims to provide a safe community of support to staff with Autism, for anyone who wants to learn more about Autism, or for anyone who wants to better support people with Autism.
Dyslexia Support Group
The Dyslexia Staff Support Group aims to provide a safe community of support to staff with Dyslexia, for anyone who wants to learn more about Dyslexia, or for anyone who wants to better support people with Dyslexia.
Mental Health Support Group
The Mental Health Staff Support Group is part of the Disability Equality Staff Network.
Physical Disabilities & Health Conditions Group
The Physical Conditions & Health Conditions Staff Support Group is part of the Disability Equality Staff Network.
Women’s Support Group (for women only)
The Women’s Staff Support Group welcome you to a safe space for all women to come together and support one another in all-areas of being a woman at the trust and the wider community.
Men’s Support Group (for men only)
The Men’s Staff Support Group brings together men from all walks of life to celebrate and respect the rich diversity that men bring, and for which we are stronger for it.
Trans & Non-Binary Support Group
The Trans & Non-Binary Staff Support Group welcomes both Transgender and Non-Binary colleagues and allies. This is a safe space to come together, learn, inform and discuss topics that members wish to talk about and share with others.
Menopause Support Group
Menopausal symptoms can impact us all in a variety of ways including; personally, professionally, culturally and can have a ripple effect on us all.
Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Staff Support Group
The Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Staff Support Group is part of the Race Equality Staff Network.
International Staff Support Group
The International Staff Support Group is part of the Race Equality Staff Network.
Please contact the Oxford Health BRC inbox for any further information.
University of Oxford Department of Psychiatry
The People and Culture committee works to make the Department of Psychiatry as supportive, welcoming and inclusive as possible. People and Culture includes their commitment to equality, diversity and inclusivity.
Recognising the advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all.
The Race Equality working group was formed in the summer of 2021, with a focus on identifying and tackling equality issues regarding race and ethnicity in the department.