We provide a range of training and career development opportunities for all staff involved in clinical research.
We are committed to:
Developing research capacity across the Oxford Health BRC, embedding training in all Themes, across all locations and in all professional groups. This will create an accessible, supportive and inclusive training environment to enhance the research skills of NHS staff, patients and public and researchers at all stages of the career pathway.
Our objectives are:
- We will create a flexible, accessible, supportive and inclusive training environment for all staff funded by the Oxford Health BRC
- Develop clinical academic training pathways and opportunities for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHPs)
- Widen access to clinical academic training opportunities to those in non-research active environments
Partnerships and Collaborations in Training and Capacity Development
- NIHR Mental Health Translational Research Collaboration
- NIHR Incubator for Mental Health Research
- Oxford Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Research