Depression Therapeutics
New Therapeutic Approaches in Translational Mental Health – Academia Meets Industry – Grand Challenges and New Horizons
Mathematical Institute University of Oxford, Andrew Wiles Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter (550), Woodstock Road, OxfordThe New Therapeutic Approaches in Translational Mental Health conference will bring together industry, academic and clinical researchers, the regulator and government research funding organisations to discuss the current challenges facing therapeutic development. The conference aims to explore, initiate and strengthen collaborations between industry and academia and will include local researchers from Oxford as well as...
The 695th Lord Mayor’s Lectures: Innovation In Mental Health & The GALENOS Project: How To Look Back To Move Forward
OnlineIn mental health science, there has been frustratingly slow process in understanding and developing new treatments for anxiety, depression and psychosis, as well as in predicting which treatments will work for whom and in what contexts. Supported by Wellcome, the Global Alliance for Living Evidence on aNxiety, depressiOn and pSychosis (GALENOS) tackles the challenges of...
Involving Patients and Public in Research
OnlineAre you a researcher who wants to know more about Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)? Are you a researcher who is looking for reliable online resources to help get you started with PPI? Are you a PPI lead or responsible for PPI in your team or theme looking for support and information? If so, the...
Involving Patients and Public in Research
OnlineAre you a researcher who wants to know more about Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)? Are you a researcher who is looking for reliable online resources to help get you started with PPI? Are you a PPI lead or responsible for PPI in your team or theme looking for support and information? If so, the...