Research Themes
Warneford Park – Preview planning consultation exhibition
Warneford Hospital, Day Centre main entranceOxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Oxford and partner invite you to the upcoming pre-planning public consultation sessions for Warneford Park. As you may know the Warneford Hospital is the oldest inpatient unit still in use across the NHS. Although no longer fit for purpose, staff continue to provide compassionate care in this...
Warneford Park – Preview planning consultation exhibition
Warneford Hospital, Day Centre main entranceOxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Oxford and partner invite you to the upcoming pre-planning public consultation sessions for Warneford Park. As you may know the Warneford Hospital is the oldest inpatient unit still in use across the NHS. Although no longer fit for purpose, staff continue to provide compassionate care in this...
New Therapeutic Approaches in Translational Mental Health – Academia Meets Industry – Grand Challenges and New Horizons
Mathematical Institute University of Oxford, Andrew Wiles Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter (550), Woodstock Road, OxfordThe New Therapeutic Approaches in Translational Mental Health conference will bring together industry, academic and clinical researchers, the regulator and government research funding organisations to discuss the current challenges facing therapeutic development. The conference aims to explore, initiate and strengthen collaborations between industry and academia and will include local researchers from Oxford as well as...
The 695th Lord Mayor’s Lectures: Innovation In Mental Health & The GALENOS Project: How To Look Back To Move Forward
OnlineIn mental health science, there has been frustratingly slow process in understanding and developing new treatments for anxiety, depression and psychosis, as well as in predicting which treatments will work for whom and in what contexts. Supported by Wellcome, the Global Alliance for Living Evidence on aNxiety, depressiOn and pSychosis (GALENOS) tackles the challenges of...
Involving Patients and Public in Research
OnlineAre you a researcher who wants to know more about Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)? Are you a researcher who is looking for reliable online resources to help get you started with PPI? Are you a PPI lead or responsible for PPI in your team or theme looking for support and information? If so, the...
Kafka in Mind: Oxford Kafka 2024
Richard Doll Lecture Theatre Richard Doll Building HERC, Nuffield Department of Population Health, Old Road Campus,, Headington, OxfordAs part of the Oxford Kafka 2024 celebrations, you are welcome to join a free presentation followed by a roundtable conversation on Kafka’s work related to the mind and mental illnesses.
Mental Health Mission – Digital Phenotyping Workshop
Hyatt Regency, Manchester 55 Booth Street West, ManchesterWelcome to the Mental Health Mission – Digital Phenotyping Workshop! Join us at the Hyatt Regency Manchester for an exciting in-person event focused on digital phenotyping and its impact on mental health. This workshop is designed for researchers, clinicians, and industry professionals interested in the latest advancements in digital phenotyping, personal health data, and electronic health records (EHRs)....
Data-Driven Decisions: The Case for Randomised Policy Trials. A Talk by Dr Andrew Leigh, Assistant Treasurer in the Australian Government
Richard Doll Lecture Theatre Richard Doll Building HERC, Nuffield Department of Population Health, Old Road Campus,, Headington, OxfordIn medicine, multiple randomised trials have found potentially promising treatments to be ineffective (or even harmful). Randomised trials in health save money and save lives. Yet while randomised trials have proliferated in health, randomised trials of social programs remain relatively rare. Drawing on examples from different countries and policy areas, Dr Leigh discuss the value...
Oxford Autumn School in Neuroscience 2024
Goss Lecture Theatre, Medical Sciences Teaching Centre, South Parks Road, OxfordDuring this 2 day scientific conference event, several presenters from across the University of Oxfords Department of Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics, Experimental Psychology, and the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences will focus on 4 main Themes: Brain Development Anxiety Frontal Lobs Interactions Dementia and Neurodegeneration The conference is suitable for active researchers and students. You...
Health Research Coffee Afternoon
Buckinghamshire New University Wellbeing Hub Aylesbury Campus, 59 Walton StreetThe public, students and staff are invited to join us for a coffee and cake on Tuesday 15 October from 12.30pm to 2.30pm at Buckinghamshire New University to learn more about research.
How to engage with Parliament as a researcher (Health)
OnlineUK Parliament hosts events open to researchers from any discipline and career-level, and delivers training across the UK. Their new series of online training sessions provide an opportunity to hear directly from a Member of the House of Lords on how they engage with academic research. During a Parliament for Researchers with the House of Lords session, attendees...
Involving Patients and Public in Research
OnlineAre you a researcher who wants to know more about Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)? Are you a researcher who is looking for reliable online resources to help get you started with PPI? Are you a PPI lead or responsible for PPI in your team or theme looking for support and information? If so, the...
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis In Stata Using Participant-Level Data (online)
ZoomThis course, ordinarily a follow-on for those who have participated in the Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis course (although open to all) will provide an overview for data preparation and analyses using the statistical software Stata. This will involve a mixture lectures and practical exercises. The extra module will cover: data preparation and dealing with...
In Conversation at Christmas 2024 (Zoom)
ZoomAlzheimer's Research UK invite you to join them this festive season as they look back at the big dementia research news stories of 2024. Speakers: Prof Vanessa Raymont and Head of Policy and Public Affairs at Alzheimer’s Research UK David Thomas This year saw the launch of revolutionary studies that bring us closer than ever...
Joint Clinical and Research Meeting for Psychiatry and Neurology
St Annes College Woodstock RoadThe Oxford University Hospitals and Oxford Health NHS Trusts, as well as the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences and the Department of Psychiatry, come together on a whole day event where research and clinical issues are discussed, networking takes place and clinical and research collaboration opportunities are considered. This is a meeting intended both for...