As part of our 60 second interview series, we spoke with Dr Angharad de Cates, who recently joined our BRC as OH BRC Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Academic Lead. In…
Every year, the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) awards prizes of €2,000 (approx. £1,677) to five mental health professionals who have published the best scientific papers relating to psychiatry or research…
The Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (OH BRC) December 2024 newsletter is available on our newsletters web page: Issue 11 – Oxford Health BRC Newsletters – NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical…
Recently, staff from a range of research organisations across Oxford came together to host their second get-together for women and children, providing lunch and a chance to talk informally about…
As part of the Oxford Kafka 2024 celebrations, a series of events exploring Franz Kafka’s contributions to literature, arts, culture and society, Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) supported a…
Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre (BBRC) and Birmingham Clinical Research Facility (BCRF) played host to the first Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and Clinical Research Facility (CRF) Inclusion Conference at “The Exchange”…
Leading scientists say that while poor air quality is a risk factor for mental illness, progress in understanding the causes and impact has been too slow. In a paper published…
NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (OH BRC) and NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre are seeking committed individuals to join their Diversity in Research Group to share experiences and ideas…
Recently, visitors to Oxford’s Westgate Centre were able to learn about the world-class healthcare research taking place in the city. The annual Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Open Day, hosted by…
New research from Oxford’s Department of Education has revealed the current picture of mental health and diversity support in schools in the Midlands. The research compiled feedback from 48 primary…
In his article for Lady Margaret Hall News, University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry DPhil candidate Gulamabbas Lakha speaks about his experiences with faith and the study of theology and…
Researchers are encouraged to apply for the next round of the NIHR Senior Investigators, an award which recognises substantial leadership contribution within the NIHR research community. NIHR Senior Investigator status…
What is Pride and why did we attend? The Oxford Pride 2024 celebrated the LGBTQIA+ community and its 21st anniversary of the event with the theme “One City – One Pride: Embrace…
Dr Ludovica Griffanti is Associate Professor in the University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry and Alzheimer’s Association Research Fellow at the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (WIN). Her research focuses on neuroimaging…
Dr Jiedi Lei is a Paul Foundation Clinical Research Fellow and clinical psychologist whose research is focused on autism and child and adolescent mental health in the Oxford Health BRC Mental…
The Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) team from the OH BRC Preventing Multiple Morbidities (PMM) Theme, recently collaborated on a project with Care Coordinators from the Oxford Health NHS Early…
Recently, the OH BRC held a Joint Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) & Patient and Public Involvement Engagement and Participation (PPIEP) workshop in Oxford to discuss barriers to research participation,…
NIHR Oxford Health BRC researcher Professor Kam Bhui has received a prestigious national research award. Professor Kam Bhui, Professor of Psychiatry in the University of Oxford Department of Psychiatry and…
We are delighted to announce that Professor Rachel Upthegrove has been appointed as the new director designate and Senior Clinical Researcher of the Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (OH BRC)…
Oxford Senior Research Fellow and Associate Professor in the Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health Dr Katy Vincent spoke about her experience of leading the Pain in Women research…